Data and programming books and blogs
A work-in-progress collection of writing on data analysis and visualization. Created for the Data Analytics for Economists courses at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, but all are welcome. Suggestions and corrections are always appreciated (
Python for data analysis by Wes McKinney. Recommended text for Econ 570 and Econ 770. A good, short overview of using python and pandas for data work.
The visual display of quantitative information by Edward Tufte. Recommended text for Econ 570 and Econ 770. A classic study of data visualization. It predates "modern" visualization tools, but the ideas in the book are timeless.
Storytelling with data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic. Recommended text for Econ 570 and Econ 770. A practical guide to creating compelling figures.
An introduction to statistical learning by Gareth M. James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. A math-light introduction to machine learning—whatever that means.
Bad visualizations: The name says it all. h/t A. D'Souza '21
COMTRADE visualization: Showcases visualizations that use COMTRADE data. Some good stuff and some good examples of overwrought, hard to follow visualizations.
Fivethirtyeight: Economics, sports politcs...a bit of everything.
The FRED blog: Short posts on topical economic questions and observations.
Reddit's data is (are!) beautiful: As much chaff as wheat, but worth an occasional look.
Storytelling with data: Among other things, a monthly challenge. Give it a try or see what others have done!
Vizualization catalog: Examples of many different plot types. Not really a blog.
VizWiz: Makeover Monday, Tableau Tip Tuesday, and Workout Wednesday