Final project grading rubric
This is the rubric we will use to grade the final project. Under each topic, we have listed some of the things we will be looking for. This is not an exhaustive list.
Efficiency in communication (40 percent)
- Is the analysis organized and easy to follow?
- Is the question clearly stated?
- Are the results clearly reported?
- Are tables and figures used to convey information in a useful way?
Report details (15 percent)
- Does this report look professional?
- Are there spelling or grammar mistakes?
- Are the group number, project title, and member names included?
- Does the report use sections and headings appropriately?
- Are information sources cited properly?
- Were the report and zipped code files submitted properly?
Figures and tables (30 percent)
- Is the figure type (or table) appropriate for the data?
- Is the use of color consistent and appropriate?
- Do the figures support the conclusions?
Figure and table details (15 percent)
- Are figures and tables numbered?
- Are figures added as screenshots? As SVG?
- Are the labels appropriate?
You will not be graded on your code, but we will look at it. Outliers (particularly good or bad code) may factor into our decision.
Code quality
- Was the code submitted as instructed?
- Does the code run?
- Does the code follow good coding practice? e.g., use of loops, no hard-coding
- Is code taken from outside sources cited properly?
Code readability
- Are there enough (or too many) comments?
- Are variable names appropriate?
- Are complicated parts of the code explained?
- Are the group number, project title, and member names included?